A cruise to Progreso is a fun and an affordable opportunity to see the real Mexico safely away from border towns and jet-set end destinations.
Progreso is a
go-at-your-own-pace kind of place abounding in unique options.
Be your own
guide: walking, biking, busing, or by taxi.
It is easy
with Yucatan’s
Magic – Merida Side Trips, as your guide.
Take a LOOK. It will make you happy and save you money!
The book has
eighteen self-guided day trips plus a section on bus and colectivo taxis to
make it simple for you to travel Yucatan with confidence.
This book is
one of the top Yucatan travel books. It has no paid sponsors or advertisers.
The author
has more than 25 years of exploring experiences in Yucatan and Mexico.
Magic is a compendium of the author’s
25 years of exploring the Yucatan, and it offers the best of the best memorable
destinations…built as the Maya built their temples, one stone at a time.
Yucatan is
getting better all the time!
Yucatan's Magic was published in 2011 and
updated in 2013.
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