Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reverend Andrew Endre Johannes Boe remembered, 2020

From my recollections: John M. Grimsrud
Rev. Boe was a friendly, jovial, smiling individual with an uncanny ability to remember peoples’ names.
He instructed my confirmation class of 52 students in 1955. He gave lessons in living with a philosophic approach to brotherhood for all, instilling an unprejudiced approach to a fulfilling life. Rev. Boe was truly a great man.
Rev. Boe’s family roots were from Bergen, Norway, an ancient Viking capital at 60° north latitude where they still spoke the old Norse dialect. His farther Nils Endrssen born 1846 and mother Anna Sophie born 1849 immigrated to America where they had seven children. Son Andrew Boe, born 1884 in Illinois became a Lutheran pastor, following in his father’s footsteps. In 1924 Rev. Andrew Boe became pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Superior, Wisconsin, where his exemplary dedication left a lasting memory.
The last funeral Rev. Boe officiated at was that of my grandfather, Christian C, Grimsrud, B. 1879, D. 1957.
April 11, 1957, at age 72 years of age. Rev. Andrew Boe passed away. 

My 1955 confirmation class at Concordia Lutheran Church, Superior, Wisconsin.

Below are two lists of names from the photo:
1. The alphabetical list of names is followed by the designation; “B” for back row, “M” for middle row and “F” for front row, each letter has a number. Example, B1 is back row continuing to B19. M1 to M19 and F1 to F15 for the front row.
2. There is a numerical list that has each name arranged followed by the letter with the number; example B6 Diane Raye and M6 John Grimsrud...etc.
Back row B:
Joyce King B1, Marlene Gjessing B2, Karen Jeggers B3, Diane Condon B4,
Barbara Aakeberg B5, Diana Raye B6, Judith Nielson B7, B8 ?, Donald Kruger B9,
Reverand Andrew Boe B10, Gloria Hermanson B11, B12 ?, B13 ?. Gail Raher B14,
Diane Lidborg B15, B16 ?, B17 ? B18 ? B19 ? B20 ?
Middle row M:
Janis Erickson M1, Virginia Rafshol M 2, M3 ?, M4 ?, Robert Brosius M5,
John M, Grimsrud M6, John Matheson M7 , M8 ?, M9 ?, M10 ?, M11 ?, M 12 ?, Ronald Hartman M13, M14 ?, M 15 ?, M 16 ?, M 17 ?, M18?
Front row F:
Sandra Ross F1, Ellen Olson F2, Marlene Greeley F3, Jean Dahl F 4, Vincent Mcgrath F5,
Tom Wright F6, Michael McGrath F7, Orville Clark F8, Patrick Brennan F9,
Danial Kilgore F10, Tim Larson F11, William Amell F12, F13 ?, Roger Krob F14,
Bonnie Brown F15
Numerical list of names from the photo:
William Amell F12, Barbera Aakeberg B5, Alan Briettzann ? Roger Briettzann ?,
Patrick Brennan F9, Robert Brosius M4, Bonnie Brown F15, Orville Clark F8, Diane Conden B1, Jean Dahl F1, Arlene Erickson ?, Janis Erickson M1, Marlene Gjessing B2, Marlend Greely F3, John M. Grimsrud M6, Gloria Hanson ?. Ronald Hartman M13, Gloria Hermanson B8,
Dennis Hucks ?, Phyllis Hintikka ?, Kathleen Jacobs ?, Kanen Jaggers B3, Danial Kilgore B6,
Joyce King ?, Roger Krob F14, Donald Kruger B9, Timothy Larson F11, Diane Lidborg B14, Micheal Mcgrath F7, Vincent McGrath F5, John Matheson M7, Lorraine Morcau ?, Judith Nielson B7, Virginia Olson ?, Ellen Olson F2, Yvonne Provost ?, Virginia Rafshol M2,
Gail Rahrer B13, Diana Raye B6, Sandra Ross F1, Robert Sharp ?, Jane Shensby ?,
Betty Sievy ?, Dean Spiedel ?, Elvira Stalvig ?, Sharon Stromberg ?, Donald Swenson ?,

Barbera Winik ?, Tom Wright F6

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