Sunday, July 19, 2020

Honoring the Enemy by Robert N. Macomber

Honoring the Enemy by Robert N. Macomber
The Honor series books of Peter Wake’s adventures range from command of a Civil War era sailing schooner in Florida’s primitive Gulf Coast to a turn of the century steam powered confrontation with armor plated steel vessels sporting the latest long range mega canons. 
In Honoring the Enemy the action continues to gain momentum.
I have read them all and eagerly await Macomber’s next thriller.
I am a very satisfied reader with sea adventure in my Viking heritage. John M. Grimsrud

Listen to me for a moment. Do not equate me with the glory-mongers in Washington or Madrid. You damn well know I’ve devoted years of my life to preventing this war. But politicians in charge on both sides wanted it, and everyone has known for a long time it was going to happen eventually...

I’ve wanted to tell this story for many years. It took a lot of research, which led me to Washington, Tampa, Havana, and eastern Cuba. After five years of research and writing, and a lot of help along the way, it is finally finished.

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