Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons by Kert Vonnegut


Book Review - Five Stars

Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons by Kurt Vonnegut

Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons by Kurt Vonnegut contains the humor and cynicism of Will Rogers in today's world with witty off the cuff insight.

I loved the book and deeply appreciate Kurt Vonnegut’s open minded approach.


He replied that the space program had no future, either, if the planet supporting it was being killed. That very day the papers had announced that two old Liberty ships were to be sunk in the Atlantic with tons and tons of nerve gas on board. Lake Superior, the only clean Great Lake left, was being used as a sewer for taconite waste by plants in Duluth. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere had increased by 15 percent since the start of the Industrial Revolution, he said, and further increases would turn the planet into a vast greenhouse in which we would roast. The antiballistic missile system, he said, which would surely be built, would, in cooperation with enemy systems, and through the integrated miracles of radar, satellites, and computers, turn the planet into one glorious hair-trigger bomb.

Fiction writers are not customarily persons in the best of mental health.

I was a chemistry major in college. H. L. Mencken started out as a chemist. H. G. Wells did, too. My father said he would help to pay for my college education only if I studied something serious. This was in the late Thirties. Reader’s Digest magazine was in those days celebrating the wonderful things Germans were doing with chemicals. Chemistry was obviously the coming thing. So was German. So I went to Cornell University, and I studied chemistry and German.

John Grimsrud's author's page

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