Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 20, 2022: Our 53rd Wedding Anniversary


December 20, 2022: Our 53rd wedding anniversary.

I married my very best friend. She makes me happy and is so much fun with her extraordinary Swedish cynical humor.

Our third anniversary in 1972 was celebrated in St. Augustine, Florida, aboard our dream boat Dursmirg. That anniversary we also celebrated the completion of its maiden voyage and consummation of our five year building and escape plans. To complete our plan we had worked nights and weekends while going to night school three times a week and employed full time. A very aggressive time table left very little time for extra curricular activities.

We were asked if we had any regrets and I answered; “That we didn’t leave sooner.” Our friends claimed that we were workaholics and would never be able so slow down.

We proved them wrong in six months of dedicated effort.

We were also asked how we got so nice a big boat, and my stock answer was we got it for free.

So how did you get it for free?}

I said: “We didn’t watch TV for five years”.

Our new life was greater than our wildest expectations.

Now we are also celebrating our 50th anniversary of that five year plan that marked a monumental and positive turning point in our lives.

This is not the shortest day of the year but the longest night and marks the first day of winter.

Now the good news. Going forward the days will begin to get longer.

Where we now live in tropical Yucatán twilight passes faster than the blink of the eye and there is no snow here at 21 degrees north latitude.

I didn’t start living until I met Jane. She makes me so happy and is so much fun to be with.

I am such a lucky man to have such a loving and trusted wife.

I love my Jane just as she is, 100% natural spiced with cynical humor and with her magical attribute I adore...creativity.

Jane, you still make me happier than anybody in the whole wide world.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make happy when skies are gray.

Your ever loving Bing


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your many wonderful years! It seems to me that all of your dreams have come true. You are "lucky dogs " as they would say. Your old friend Emil

Anonymous said...

53 is a good start.....
Kathy and is had our 60th on November 17th
Congratulations to you both

Your old friend

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! Julie your old neighbor

Anonymous said...

It is easy to see that you are happy couple and lead good lives! Happy anniversary and Merry Christmas,
Your family from the Old Country, Trygve

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 53 years of adventure together!