Sunday, October 29, 2023

Man and Dog by Justin Barbour - Book Review Five Star Adventure


Man and Dog by Justin Barbour

A true action packed adventure story told in the first person.

Self-motivated, focused, and determined Justin Barbour meticulously planned and calculated every detail imaginable then leaped into the abyss of a wilderness where turning back or screaming for help was not an option.

Action packed and fast moving. This great book is a real gripper.


As I grow older I am beginning to notice that most challenges are head games. If you can put yourself in the right frame of mind, you will find that life becomes easier. The ninety per cent mental, ten per cent physical approach is true in most undertakings of this kind.

Believe it is in me, genetically, more than most, I know, to roam the outdoors and experience its wealth. It is a desire I cannot fight or resist. There is so much to love. More than most can really imagine. Life out there is challenging and exciting and keeps you on your toes. Curiosity is around every corner. Freedom reigns.

I’m not afraid to share my mistakes, because reflecting on failures is the only way we learn as a human race. We can receive feedback the easy way or the hard way—it doesn’t matter. It’s not what you messed up that counts; it’s what you get from the experiences. You can’t focus on the negatives. See opportunities and solutions, not problems and headaches.

With the echo of cars whizzing up the highway, it was sad to think our days of living alone in the wild were all but over. No more untouched fishing holes, no more land all to myself, no more silence. In fact, it was strange to think we had experienced it all—it was like a dream gone by! Tomorrow would be the beginning of our railway travel until we crossed over the road at Placentia Junction some fifty-odd kilometers away, a distance I anticipated would take me three good days to cover.

View my author's page on Amazon

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